Sunday 30 June 2013

Fixation - why is there a global fixed gear bicycles fever, how fixed gear bicycles became so popular?

Bicycle has often known as human's most important invention and a way of transport. Fixed gear bicycles is the most elemental and purest expression of all bicycles! So why have they become so popular? The answer is very simple - because riding a fixed gear is so fun!

In short, a fixed gear bike is known as fixie. Riding a fixie used to be common among messengers and street kids around the world, however this is not true now. Fixed gear is ridden by all walks of life now! You can easily identify a fixed gear bike simply by the single speed gear. Although simple and pure, many riders choose to express themselves through its design nowadays. There are uncountable possibilities how a rider can custom design his/her fixie. The aesthetics of the design, the craft and the feel of the ride all combine to produce something unique just to the rider, and this is one of the main attraction!

Back in the nineteenth century, fixed gear bikes were built as speed machines for racing and the first chain-driven fixed gear was built in 1873 by H. J. Lawson of Brighton, Sussex. Fixed gear riding is no longer only about racing performance or the small group of street kids now, it has evolved into a culture, it has evolved into a fixation passion!

Fixed gear riding is not just a trend, as trend comes and go. Fixed gear riding is a culture and the reason why this fixie culture is growing is because of its challenge. A brake-less fixed gear bicycle is consider a dangerous or death bike to some, but in a unique aspect it is a challenge to conquer for fixie riders. The road is a playground for the riders to hone their skills and styles and riding without brakes enable the riders to exhibit good judgement and foresight, as well as manoeuvre and handling abilities and skills.

Riding a fixed gear bicycle is about pure joy! Though it is about bending the rules, disobeying traffic laws, not wearing helmets, no brakes on bikes, however fixed gear is also about the skill to control the bicycle. So if you have not tried on a fixed gear bicycle, are you game enough to try one today?!

You can find a good range of fixed gear bicycles here. All bikes can be uniquely custom-designed to suit your character! Join the fixation culture today!

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